Blow And Bow Weekend Course Application Form – Package2022-11-25T15:17:32+00:00

Chamber Course Application Form – October 2022

For those applying for financial assistance through the Friends of Bedfordshire Youth Music; please apply to FBYM before booking this course so that we can arrange discounted payment. Please find more information and an application form here: FBYM Financial Assistance

    Please enter the Parent/Carer/Contact details below

    e.g. 99 Crispin Drive

    e.g. Woodlands Park

    e.g. Bedford

    e.g. Bedfordshire

    e.g. MK44 1JR

    Please enter the Student details below

    e.g. Violin

    select None if not applicable

    if using IE or Firefox browser format as YYYY-MM-DD






    Clicking on the following button will send the above details to Bedfordshire Music Trust and you will receive an acknowledgement email. In addition you will be redirected to your shopping cart where you can pay on-line using PayPal or you may add another student booking.

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