Jamboree Parent Information2025-01-24T08:53:50+00:00

Jamboree Parent Information


Sunday 23rd March at Bedford School 10am – 4pm

Address – The Great Hall, Bedford School, De Parys Avenue, Bedford, MK 40 2TU.

Please park in the carpark just off Burnaby Road and make your way to the Great Hall on foot. A map and instructions will be sent nearer the time.

Contacts and Important Information       

Emergency Contact number during the event      07824 829097 – Ellie Tadiello

The above number is only available on the course days during course hours. Please only use in emergencies, or if you are ill on the day of the course.

Parents are reminded that they are not allowed to stay on site during the day but may return for the concert at 4pm.

A concert to showcase the music from the day will take place at 4pm.

All students need to ensure they are signed in or out whenever arriving or leaving the site.

Please remember to bring the following

  • Your music stand clearly labelled with your name
  • A pencil and eraser
  • A packed lunch and drink. Please ensure that your lunch contains no nut products (peanut butter, cereal bars etc.) as are there are students with severe nut allergies attending. Many thanks!
  • Cellists are reminded to bring a spike support
  • String players need to remember your shoulder rests
  • Drummers, please bring any sticks you have

Please note that all instruments and personal belongings are the responsibility of the student, and any lost property will be collected up at the end of the day.

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