
Orchestral Jamboree

The Jamboree is a free one-day workshop aimed at young instrumental learners up to and including Grade 1, providing them with an opportunity to enjoy making music with other young players under expert specialist guidance.

The one-day workshop includes

  • Playing in sections – woodwind, brass, orchestral strings and orchestral percussion
  • Organised games and activities
  • Playing together as a large group
  • A public concert performance for family and friends

The Jamboree workshop is put on through a collaboration between Bedfordshire Music Trust and our partners, the four local Music Hubs:

Please apply via the QR code on the flyer image.

Link to Important Parent Information

*Please note the link to the Four Hubs Youth Orchestra booking form is being managed by Milton Keynes Music Faculty. Any personal data that you share will go directly to them and not to Bedfordshire Music Trust. Milton Keynes Music Faculty will use the data on behalf of the four hubs to create the reports they are obliged to provide in order to source funding for this project. 

Orchestral Jamboree
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